In 2021, I came across Vir Das’s video Be Stupid | Vir Das | Comedian gives Speech at Knox College, where he delivered a commencement speech after receiving an honorary degree. During his speech, he emphasized the importance of embracing stupidity.
After watching the video, I realized what he said made perfect sense, why being stupid is actually crucial. I decided to make it my New Year's resolution for 2021 to be stupid. Prior to that year, my life was all about constant personal growth, with no significant highs or lows. However, in 2022, I decided to embrace stupidity.
Vir Das elaborates on the concept of stupidity-“Be Stupid, just once, really often”. According to him, when we embrace the stupidity in life, we truly experience what it means to live.
Being stupid in a given situation entails doing something unexpected, having a different perspective, or taking unconventional actions. While the best-case scenario may result in winning, the worst-case scenario could involve being fired or laughed at, but the experience will always be MEMORABLE
“No one remembers the people who agreed with them” -Vir Das.
Vir Das delves into the importance of embracing stupidity in various aspects of life, including love and work. He shares numerous insightful phrases throughout the speech.
One quote that stands out is, "Play with your body. It will save your heart when you are losing your mind." This thought-provoking statement highlights the significance of physical engagement as a means to protect oneself emotionally during challenging times.
To fully grasp the depth of Vir Das's wisdom and humor, I highly recommend watching the video. It's an enlightening experience that will leave you with a fresh perspective on the value of embracing stupidity in different areas of life.
How Embracing Stupidity Worked Out for Me
I made a conscious decision to step out of my comfort zone and try things I had never done before. From mustering up the courage to ask someone out at a cafe to embarking on impromptu travels, I said yes to almost everything that came my way. I even indulged in a bit of drinking, took risky business decisions, went on late-night drives, pushed myself to the limits at the gym, and simply allowed myself to relax and enjoy life's simple pleasures. Of course, there were heartbreaks along the way too, but there was so much more happening!
That year turned out to be a wild rollercoaster ride. There were moments of pure bliss and happiness, but there were also times when I found myself facing my lowest self, a side of me I never thought existed. It was during this journey that I discovered a whole new version of myself. The highs and lows of that year made my previous life seem rather mundane in comparison.
Looking back, I realized that I had grown immensely during that period. It may not have been the happiest year of my life, but it was a year of exponential personal growth. Embracing stupidity, in the sense of taking risks and seeking long-term fulfillment, suddenly made a lot more sense to me. With each new experience, I learned valuable lessons, created lasting memories, and even encountered failures that ultimately paved the way for success. I discovered what not to do, and more importantly, how to approach life with a sense of fun and adventure. Being stupid meant stepping out of my comfort zone and trying things that seemed daunting at first, but ultimately led to personal growth and self-discovery.
I remained committed to my resolution until the very end and decided to embrace stupidity while also taking things at a slower pace. I resolved to be less stupid, finding a balance between steady progress and exponential growth. I aimed to have fewer extreme highs, but also fewer moments of despair. Ultimately, my goal was to experience more laughter and learning simultaneously.
Be Stupid. Be Stupid by force, until it becomes natural. Where did stupidity take me in terms of career? Here- Wix Freaks Drop a comment and let me know about the time you embraced stupidity in your life!