There's a reason they say, "Friends are the family you choose." Beyond laughter and shared experiences, true friendships offer lessons that shape who we become. I feel incredibly blessed to have such amazing friendships in my life. I want to express my gratitude to all of my friends who have played a significant role in shaping the person I am today.
Here are three major learnings I've gained from friendships:
Stick to your plan: I remember meeting a friend in Bir while I was learning paragliding. I had high hopes for the sport, expecting it to be thrilling and exciting. However, even after a near-death experience, I wasn't feeling the rush I anticipated. Halfway through the 30-day course, I was ready to give up. My friend, who was in Bir for his startup, shared a valuable lesson with me that I still follow today. He advised me not to quit halfway through, but to commit to the full 30 days before making a decision. I agreed. By the end of the course, I realized that paragliding wasn't just about adventure for me; it brought me a sense of peace. I felt liberated and serene up in the sky, surrounded by the rising sun and cool breeze. Since then, I've adopted the practice of setting a timeline for myself and persevering until the designated end date, whether it's a project, workout routine, new interest, or relationship.
Relationships > Money: My friend from Bir, who had moved to Bangalore, hosted me during my stay, refusing to let me pay for anything - not even a small bottle of water or my swimming cap. He covered all expenses, from food to transportation, without hesitation. Initially, I couldn't fathom his generosity, but eventually, I understood the profound value of relationships over money. His selfless actions made me feel genuinely welcome. In return, I vowed to reciprocate whenever he or his loved ones visited my town, going above and beyond to accommodate them. Viewing this as an investment (which one should not, but to quantify it in explanation), with immeasurable returns, I now prioritize nurturing relationships over monetary gains. This mindset has significantly enriched my connections and has become second nature to me now.
Being Care-Free: I remember a time when I was very particular about everything. What people thought of me, how I spent my money, the decisions I made for my business - it all weighed heavy on my mind. But then, along came a friend from college who changed my perspective completely. He was carefree in the best way possible. Despite not having much, he spent on what truly brought him joy - quality food, clothes, and travel. His carefree attitude wasn't reckless; it was a display of confidence in himself and his choices. While I used to agonize over every purchase, he made decisions without hesitation. I'm still on my journey to reach that level of freedom, but he taught me a valuable lesson about investing in convenience and health, understanding what it truly means to be rich.
Friendship and Brotherhood: During my travels, I crossed paths with a remarkable friend who later became an integral part of my life. He showed me the true essence of friendship and support. Whenever I faced any sort of dilemma, he would rush to my side without a moment's hesitation. Dedicated and trustworthy, he was always ready to tackle any challenge with me. One night when I was struggling with heartbreak, I called him at 3 am, and by the next day, we were in Bir. His actions, both big and small, shed light on the profound significance of friendship and brotherhood.
The impact of these learnings from friendships goes far beyond words. They've shaped my character, influenced my decisions, and helped me become a better person. To my friends, who have given me so much more than they'll ever know! Your friendship is a gift I cherish always.
And if you're reading this, you know exactly who you are. Thank you!
What is something you’ve learned from your friends? Share your thoughts and stories in the comments below.